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advanced waveの例文


  • In the absorber theory the same concept is used, however in presence of both retarded and advanced waves.
  • It is possible to think of the advancing wave of depolarisation as a dipole with a head and a tail.
  • ""'Atelopus certus " "'is a species of toad endangered, primarily due to the advancing wave of chytridiomycosis moving through Central America.
  • These advanced waves don't have anything to do with cause and effect : they are simply a different mathematical way to describe normal waves.
  • Light detectors emit " dark " as an advanced wave moving backward in time . talk ) 00 : 29, 15 August 2010 ( UTC)
  • Released in March 1994, the " Sound Blaster AWE32 ( Advanced Wave Effects ) " introduced an all new MIDI synthesizer section based on the EMU8000.
  • Roland's SuperNatural, Yamaha's AWM ( advanced wave memory ) and Korg HI ( hyper-integrated ) are some recent examples of synthesizers that use some form of S & S synthesis.
  • Varda also interviews some of those who on trash days form an advance wave preceding garbage pickups, plucking furniture, paintings, bicycles, appliances, strips of copper, pieces of wood from the refuse.
  • The tone generation module of the S30 / S80 utilized Yamaha's Advanced Wave Memory 2 algorithm ( AWM2 ), providing 256 built-in voices and eight drum kits with a polyphony of 64 voices.
  • The leaflets appeared to have been the advance wave of the mission, giving a warning that cleared the militias from the city and insuring a clean, swift, operation before the soldiers withdrew again.
  • Parkman wrote that after the British conquest of Canada in 1760, Indians were " destined to melt and vanish before the advancing waves of Anglo-American power, which now rolled westward unchecked and unopposed ".
  • The game ends if Tron touches a Recognizer, takes too many hits from enemy Discs without enough time to recover from them, or is hit by a paralyzing baton that enemies carry in advanced waves.
  • "Our best guess would be that putting this technology out there is before the market needs, " said Steven D . Levy, a data communications analyst with Lehman Brothers, speaking generally about a super-advanced wave-division-multiplexing technology.
  • It is not uncommon to see local boaters and pro boaters surfing advanced waves, with a distinct differentiation between the two cultures identified by their equipment, their lack or presence of media equipment, and general attitude around the feature.
  • The most advanced unit that Nortel is now shipping offers only 32 channels, but the new unit would leap-frog the most advanced wave-division-multiplexing products now being sold by its main competitors : Lucent, Ciena, Fujitsu of Japan and Pirelli of Italy.
  • "' Yamaha TG77 "'is the Frequency Modulation; Advanced Wave Memory; and the combination of these two systems, either by layering together or by modulating an AFM voice by an AWM wave, a synergy termed Realtime Convolution and Modulation Synthesis ( RCM ).
  • In TIQM, the source emits a usual ( retarded ) wave forward in time, but it also emits an advanced wave backward in time; furthermore, the receiver, who is later in time, also emits an advanced wave backward in time and a retarded wave forward in time.
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